Storelyapp - Easy Bill Maker

by Innovaeps Technologies



India’s First complete Business Operation ManagementSystem catering to the needs of smalland medium business entities.Why is Storely your Business Partner?It caters toall the business operations of your online businessright from selling your product to managinginventory to managing your accounting & billing requirementsto managing your GST tax invoiceand much more.Easy RegistrationStorely is one such application that allows you toregister your business for selling within a fewclicks. It offers easy accessibility to its peerssellers and hence acts as the most user-friendlyapplication for managing the entire business operations.Detailed reportStorely Application has a specially curated sellerdashboard that shows the complete insight ofyour online selling business. It shows the sales figures,revenue updates, pending orders,pending invoices, GST details and much more in a singleframe.What Storely can do for your business?Storely Application is Indias First complete businessoperation management system which aimsto provide all-round solutions to the medium and smallbusiness which cannot afford differentmanagement systems to manage their business.-INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMOnline selling is generally accompanied by an inventorymanagement system. StorelyApplication offers a simplified inbuilt inventorymanagement system that helps the seller to trackthe inventory and get the automatic inventory-relatednotification to keep you updated with thestock of the inventory.-Inbuilt Billing SoftwareStorely Application offers a complete solution formaintaining the records of billing with itsprefixed billing layout and formats to offer hassle-freeautomated invoice management.-DETAILED DASHBOARD VIEWStorely Application offers a detailed dashboard thatshowcases the complete view of sales,revenue, pending orders, Invoice details and muchmore under one screen.-BARCODE SCANNINGSimply scan your products with the Storely barcodescanner and youre ready to go. Createcommon bar codes (EAN, UPC, EAN -13). Add productsto your orders by scanning them.Simply scan a barcode to get information about anitem.